Piano Triad Chord Exercise 2
This is the complementary exercise to the previous (previously posted) piano triad chord exercise.
After playing the C minor triad, raise* the middle note to get the major triad then raise the top note of the major triad to get the augmented triad. Now raise the bottom note of the augmented triad to get the next minor triad, Db minor.
Continue on in this manner and end with the C major triad.
The ‘ossias’ (smaller part-staves above some bars) are alternative namings or ‘spellings’ of the triad set.
*Only raise every note/key by a semitone, to the very next door key above, whether it is black or white.
All triads are played with RH: 1 3 5 and LH: 5 3 1
Alternate fingerings: R 1 2 4, L 4 2 1; R 1 2 3, L 3 2 1
These alternate fingerings can also be applied to the first exercise.
Which leads to a further valuable hand development exercise…
Double-Hold-and-Add Piano Finger Exercise
Each key is played twice with a medium finger lift (about 1.5cm) and at around mezzo-forte sound level.
After second strike, hold key down then play next note/key of the chord similarly.
When the top or last note/key has been played twice, all notes/keys of the chord should now be held down.
Now play the whole chord.
I have found this method of chord practice the most efficient way to learn any chord, especially the more complex and wide-span chords.
A note of caution. This exercise places great strain on some tendons and ligaments, and more so in small hands.
Therefore, only play this exercise once or twice, then practice something else. Keep coming back to the exercise but only visit it briefly at first.
I only have my own theories as to why this exercise is so effective, but I believe it works at different levels simultaneously.
The fingers are being trained in independence.
The webbing of the hand is being extended and made more elastic.
The ear is learning the chord more effectively.
Memory, both aural and muscular, is being trained.
The repetition of every finger action is a big part of it.

Styles: Classical, Modern
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Post-Graduate, AMEB/ABRSM exams
Suitability: Ages 7 years and up to any age, any experience level. Lessons are weekly.
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