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Nov 24 / Greg

Classical Music Piano Scales And Chords Pt. 2

Continuing with my series of Classical Music Piano Scales And Chords about the various scales and modes found in Western Classical and modern music.

Go to this link if you missed Part 1 of Scales And Chords

The next group is the set of major pentatonic scales that can be played, starting on C.

111026 all things on C -  the scales 3a - major pentatonic

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Next, the minor pentatonic scales, starting on C.

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This completes the scales and modes starting on C.

This is by no means all possible scale forms that can be played, but only the most common ones used in mainstream Western music.


The triads

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The sus 4 chords are, strictly speaking, not triads as they are formed by combining intervals of 4ths. They do not conform to the ‘spelling rules’ of equally spaced letternames when in root or naming position. They do have equally spaced letternames when in the second inversion.

I have included them because they are three-note chords, they can be equally spaced within an octave and they are popular and commonly used chords.

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Greg Norman’s Piano lessons and/or Music Theory lessons…
Styles: Classical, Modern
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Post-Graduate, AMEB/ABRSM exams
Suitability: Ages 7 years and up to any age, any experience level. Lessons are weekly.

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